Our curriculum

Our students’ individual needs are at the heart of all curriculum and timetable planning. Individual programmes of work are developed from a students Education, Health and Care plan (EHC). Progress towards targets is closely monitored and contributes to the student's annual review.

Students follow a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum. Based on the National Curriculum, but differentiated to meet individual needs amd interests.

The curriculum at Sutherland House School aims to address the specific challenges which arise from autism. At its core:

  • Targets taken from the student’s Individual Education Programme.
  • Individualised targets in English, maths, science, ICT and personal health and social education (PHSE).
  • The full range of National Curriculum or Foundation learning subject areas, which are delivered in a variety of age appropriate contexts.
  • A cohesive structure of experiences that ensure continuity and progress whilst allowing the flexibility necessary to address individual needs.
  • At 14-19 students access a range of accredited courses, which lead to qualifications at a level appropriate to their ability.
  • Accredited courses are delivered both at school and local colleges and reflect students’ individual interests and skills.
  • A variety of work-related learning opportunities are also offered to older students.